I hate this tendency in repertory cinema. It's a narcissistic need to prove oneself above the subject matter, to show that you aren't a "film bro" or a "snob," but in doing so it just replaces one form of snobbery with another: a snobbery which respects nothing save the ego itself. It makes going to the movies a miserable fucking experience. I want to sit and watch a god damn Paul Schrader without some wannabe n+1 contributor yukking his ass off whenever someone writes something down in a notebook.

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Reverse snobbery has been rife in media, and the culture at large, for at least the last 10-15 years. It's not embarrassing any more as an adult to admit you like, say, Marvel movies or Harry Potter, but it *is* seen as slightly unacceptable to tell people you simply prefer "harder" or more complex culture. We're all expected to pretend that Twilight and Nosferatu are somehow the same.

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